The Trust conducts the following recognized courses :
1.Recognized by National Board of Examinations, New Delhi:
Post Graduate Degree courses to train candidates towards Diplomate of National Board in:
2.Affiliated to Dr. MGR Medical University:
3.Recognized by Government of Tamil Nadu:
4.Recognized by Government of Tamil Nadu:
The Institution is recognized by National Board of Examinations New Delhi to train candidates in General Surgery, Anaesthesia and Family Medicine towards the Post Graduate degree of Diplomate National Board. There is a good library in the hospital which has text books, current journals, back journals, electronic journals and internet access. Surgical workshops, Seminars, Symposia and journal club meetings are conducted regularly.
Foreign Medical and Nursing students often come to do their elective postings at Jeyasekharan Hospital.
The Trust conducts Diplomas in General Nursing & Midwifery course and Medical Laboratory Technology course recognized by the Government of Tamil Nadu . In addition to this, Diploma courses in Radio diagnostic Technology, Anaesthesia Technology and Dialysis Technology affiliated to C.M.A.I.
A small subsidy is available for few deserved candidates (if selected) given by the ‘Christian Medical Association of India-New Delhi (CMAI)’.

Graduated (since 2015)