Medical Team
This is a new department in the making, coming into its own in an age where its importance is finally being realised.
1Routine upper and lower GI endoscopies and basic abdominal surgeries were performed during this period. Laparoscopic work was started in 1996. ERCP was started during this same period. Over a period of time, the department has matured into a full fledged surgical gastroenterology unit. The centre offers the following speciality treatment.

GI Oncology
Surgical management of major gastro intestinal malignancies namely Radical esophago gastrectomy for carcinoma esophagus, D2 gastrectomy for carcinoma stomach, Whipple’s pancreatico duodenectomy for carcinoma head of pancreas , Radical cholecystectomies for Gall bladder malignancies and Low and ultra low anterior resections for rectal malignancies are done here. There is a strong medical oncology and radiation oncology back up.
Pancreatico biliary diseases
Chronic calcific pancreatitis (CCP) is an endemic disease in Kanyakumari district.. It is a heavy socioeconomic burden as the disease affects predominantly young males who are breadwinners of their family. These patients present with severe abdominal pain. They get very good pain relief and quality of life by surgeries like Frey’s head coring procedure and Pusteow’s drainage procedure.
Biliary diseases like Recurrent pyogenic cholangitis (RPC) are quite common here due to prevalence of biliary ascariasis. Effective drainage of the biliary system can be achieved by hepatico jejunostomy. When one lobe of the liver becomes severely atrophic with abscess formation, the patient may benefit from hepatectomy.
Biliary diseases like Recurrent pyogenic cholangitis (RPC) are quite common here due to prevalence of biliary ascariasis. Effective drainage of the biliary system can be achieved by hepatico jejunostomy. When one lobe of the liver becomes severely atrophic with abscess formation, the patient may benefit from hepatectomy.
Advanced laparoscopy
Advanced laparoscopic works which includes laparoscopic Heller’s Cardiomyotomy for Achalasia cardia, Fundoplications for GERD, Distal pancreatico splenectomy and Laparoscopic Rectopexy for rectal prolapse are routinely performed in our centre.
Laparoscopic oncological procedures including hemicolectomies , Anterior and Abdomino perineal resections for colorectal malignancies and Thoracoscopic esophagectomies for esophageal malignancies are also performed.
Laparoscopic oncological procedures including hemicolectomies , Anterior and Abdomino perineal resections for colorectal malignancies and Thoracoscopic esophagectomies for esophageal malignancies are also performed.
Endoscopic procedures
Diagnostic endoscopies (both Upper and lower GI) are done thrice a week on elective basis by well experienced gastroenterologist.
Upper and lower GI bleeds constitutes one of the most common emergencies in this centre. Therapeutic scopies are offered round the clock in the form of sclerotherapy and variceal ligation for esophageal varices and glue injection for gastric fundal varices. Peptic ulcer bleeds are also managed efficiently by endotherapy. Endoscopic dilatation of corrosive strictures are also routinely done.
Upper and lower GI bleeds constitutes one of the most common emergencies in this centre. Therapeutic scopies are offered round the clock in the form of sclerotherapy and variceal ligation for esophageal varices and glue injection for gastric fundal varices. Peptic ulcer bleeds are also managed efficiently by endotherapy. Endoscopic dilatation of corrosive strictures are also routinely done.
Abdominal emergencies
Major abdominal trauma due to road traffic accidents are very common emergencies. Major hepatobiliary, pancreatic and vascular trauma are efficiently managed by a team of surgeons and intensivists with the support of allied specialities like Blood bank, Radiology and Interventional angiography which are available round the clock.
Revascularisation- (both surgical and angiographic) procedures for acute mesenteric ischemia are done here.
Revascularisation- (both surgical and angiographic) procedures for acute mesenteric ischemia are done here.
Enterostoma therapy
The centre offers excellent care of colostomies and ileostomies. Specialised wound care is given for enterocutaneous fistulae by means of wound manager appliances.
The centre has state of the art facilities including dedicated operating theatre with laminar flow, state of art laparoscopes, advanced equipments including Harmonic scalpel, Gyrus vessel sealer etc. The centre has dedicated surgical ICU and emergency unit equipped with ventilators and intensive monitoring gadgets. Surgeons and intensivists are available round the clock.
This department takes the credit of performing the first bariatric (Obesity) surgery in Kanyakumari district.
A free obesity awareness camp was organised with overwhelming success. As a result, many people were motivated to lose weight.
However, we currently do not have a Bariatric Surgery department.
This department takes the credit of performing the first bariatric (Obesity) surgery in Kanyakumari district.
A free obesity awareness camp was organised with overwhelming success. As a result, many people were motivated to lose weight.
However, we currently do not have a Bariatric Surgery department.
Future plans
To start a liver and pancreas registry in hospital and later expand it to the entire Kanyakumari district which would be a valuable data source for clinical research in this field.
Our Medical Team