general medicine
Medical Team
The Department of Internal Medicine forms an integral part of this multispeciality centre and is headed by
Dr. Ranjit Jeyasekharan MBBS.,M.D(Gen),D.M.R.D. He is also assisted by a team of doctors
Dr. Ranjit Jeyasekharan MBBS.,M.D(Gen),D.M.R.D. He is also assisted by a team of doctors
1The department follows an integrated management strategy with other specialists such that the critically ill patients especially in the MICU benefit most from this networking approach.
2In addition to setting up and carrying out recognized protocols for the treatment of infectious and non-infectious diseases, the department is also involved in multicentric trials such as RSSDI (Research and study of science of diabetes in India ) and other IDF (International diabetes federation) prospective studies and updates.
History of the department of medicine
The Beginning
The Department of Medicine was started by Dr.N.D.Jeyasekharan along with the Surgical Department in 1965. When the medical department was picking up gradually along with surgical OPD, the department was taken over by Dr.N.D.Jeyasekharan’s son Dr.Ranjit Jeyasekharan in the NSTU2828 year 1991.
As the Medical Department grew and as the number of inpatients increased, a more advanced medical care was offered by visiting consultants. Dr. A.R.Pandian was our first consultant and he is still with us offering his services in Internal Medicine and cardiology including Echocardiography.
We also had prominent physicians like Dr.Arumugam, Dr.K.Vijayakumar and Dr.C.Manohar who supported our department in their own areas of interest.
The Department of Medicine had organized the first Multidisciplinary Intensive Care Unit, Cardiac Care Unit, Dialysis Unit and Critical Care Services with a ventilator and was managed by our well-trained doctors like Dr.Babu, Dr. Adham Sheikh, Dr.Kaleel Rahman, Dr. Krishna Prasad, Dr. John Peter and a few others who followed.
Presently the department has grown to a very significant status with senior physicians like Dr.Ranjit Jeyasekharan, Dr.A.R.Pandian, Dr.Jeffrey Isaacs and Dr.Vijay. The Department is supported by senior doctors like Dr.Jason Jerald, Dr. Shateesh S. Vincent, Dr. Inigo Mettilda Roy, Dr.Suresh Samuel, Dr. Amalam, Dr.Lourdes Pravina and Dr.Annie Geetha. We are also supported by dedicated junior doctors and registrars in the OP, IP as well as the ICUs.
Presently the department of Medicine looks after a well-equipped and a well-organised Multidisciplinary Intensive Care Unit and a Critical Care Unit supported by well-trained doctors and nurses.
The Radiology Department was started by Dr.S.I.Chelladurai who was later joined by Dr.Evangeline George who heads the Ultrasound Department.
The Neurology Department was headed by Dr.Sasikumar and is now being run by Dr.Antony David, Dr.Joseph Antony Sagaya Raj and Dr.Y.Kinglsy Jebasingh.
The Dialysis Department which does approximately 30 dialyses per day was started by Dr. Prem Kumar and is now run by Dr. Ninoo George.
Speciality Medical Departments such as Dermatology, Medical Gastroenterology, Pulmonology and Rheumatology are looked after by Dr. A.J.S. Pravin, Dr.Antony Joe, Dr.Joseph Partheeban and Dr.Krishnan Kutty respectively.
The Cardiology Department began under the care of Dr.A.R.Pandian who was later supported by Dr.N.Jeyaseelan. In 2004, Dr.Chandrakumar Immanuel joined as a full-time in-house cardiologist doing CABG, PTCA stenting etc.
In the 80s, Paediatric care was given importance and Dr.Merlin Sathiaraj joined Dr.N.D.Jeyasekharan to look after childcare. Dr.Thiraviam Mohan and Dr. Gopal Subramoniam turned paediatric care into a full-fledged department and was later joined by Dr.Sunil Kumar and Dr.Vijayalakshmi.
As the Medical Department has grown so has the facilities provided by the Hospital along with Master Health Checkup which provides specialized health checkup for Diabetic, Renal and Cardiac patients.

General Medicine/ Intensive Care
Name | Qualification | Timings | Days | CR No./ Dept |
Dr. Ranjit Jeyasekharan | M.D.,(Gen.Med) D.M.R.D., F.C.C.P., FRCP(Lon.) | 11.00 am -2.00pm 6.30 pm | Monday - Saturday Mon/Wed/Fri(By appointment) | CR-10 |
Dr. Pandian A.R. | M.D.(Gen.Med.) | 8.30 am - 10.00 am | Monday-Saturday/ Sunday | CR-42 (Echo) |
Dr. Jeffrey Isaacs R. | M.D.(Gen.Med.) | 12.00 noon - 1.00 pm | Monday to Saturday | CR-9 |
Dr. Vijay A. | M.D.(Gen.Med.) | |||
Dr. Jason Jerald D. | M.B.B.S,,F.C.C.P. | 11.30am - 5.00 pm | Monday to Saturday | CR-10 |
Dr. Shatheesh S. Vincent | M.B.B.S.,D.F.H.,D.H.Sc(Diab) | 8.30 am - 1.30 am | Monday - Saturday | CR-9 |
Dr. Suresh Samuel | M.D. (Gen. Med.) | 6.00 am - 8.30 am | Monday - Saturday | MICU/ CR-2 |
Dr. Dilip Dason K.N. | M.B.B.S., Masters in Emergency Medicine. | |||
Dr. Bermio V.S. | M.D. (Gen.Med.)., DNB(Gen.Med),MRCP(UK). | |||
Dr. Daniel Sam Mathews | M.B.B.S., DNB Registrar (Gen. Med) | |||
Dr. Firdause A.H. | M.B.B.S., DNB Registrar (Gen. Med) | |||
Dr. Aravind L. | M.B.B.S., DNB Registrar (Gen. Med) | |||
Dr. Sabaresh R. | M.B.B.S., DNB Registrar (Gen. Med) | |||
Dr. Praveen M. | M.B.B.S., DNB Registrar (Gen. Med) | |||
Dr. Prasant HA | M.B.B.S., DNB Registrar (Gen. Med) |
Medical Officers
S.No | Name | Qualifications | Timing | Available Days |
1 | Dr. Adolph Leo P. | M.B.B.S. | ||
2 | Dr. Subina S. | M.B.B.S. | 8.30 am - 6.00 pm | All Days |
3 | Dr. Abijith P. | M.B.B.S. | 8.30 am - 6.00 pm | All Days |
4 | Dr. Dhanya Meenu S.K. | M.B.B.S. | 8.30 am - 6.00 pm | All Days |
5 | Dr. Sabarivasan P. | M.B.B.S. | 8.30 am - 6.00 pm | All Days |
6 | Dr. Deepthi N John | M.B.B.S. | 8.30 am - 6.00 pm | All Days |
7 | Dr. Boffin Steeve S. | M.B.B.S. | 8.30 am - 6.00 pm | All Days |
8 | Dr. Gayathri I. | M.B.B.S. | 8.30 am - 6.00 pm | All Days |