Breast Feeding Week
Theme: “Closing the gap: Breastfeeding support for all”.
The first week of August (01.08.2024 – 07.08.2024), Dr. Jeyasekharan College of Nursing Celebrated World Breastfeeding Week with the theme “Closing the gap: Breastfeeding support for all”. DGNM II year students took part actively throughout the week in various activities.
On the 01st,2ndand 7th of August, at Dr. Jeyasekharan Hospital, group health education was given to all antenatal and postnatal mothers in Main OPD and Pediatric OPD. A special talk regarding the importance and benefits of breastfeeding was given by Dr. Maya Gopaland and Mrs. Lincy. Mothers actively participated in giving a good response and cleared their doubts using PowerPoint presentations and demonstrations. Pamphlets were distributed.
On the 03rd of August, at Dr. Jeyasekharan Hospital, group health education was conducted for antenatal mothers in the Auditorium. Mothers were benefited.
On the 5th of August, at Dr. Jeyasekharan Hospital, individual health education was given to all antenatal and postnatal mothers in Downstairs and Anisha Block.
On the 06thof August, at Primary Health Centre, Vadaseryhealth education was conducted for the public. Dr.AjayManju, Medical Officergave the introductory talk on breastfeeding followed by health education regarding the importance and the health benefits were discussed. Nearly 20 mothers benefited from this program.