Sensitising Program on Gender Issues – 2024
A sensitizing program for boys of the college of Nursing and Allied health sciences was conducted on 22nd August at the Auditorium of Dr. Jeyasekharan Hospital and Nursing Home. The program was conducted to provide awareness among male students regarding handling gender issues by Dr. Devaprasath Jeyasekharan and Dr. Renu Devaprasath. The chief guest for the event was Ms. Yangchen Doma Bhutia IPS., Assistant Superintendent of Police.
The event started at around 3 pm with welcome address by Dr. Mrs Golden Catherine T, Professor, Dr. Jeyasekharan College of Nursing. 41 boys from B.Sc Nursing,11 from Diploma in General Nursing and Midwifery, 47 boys of Radiology and 5 Lab technology male students participated in the program. Felicitation was done by Dr. Renu Devaprasath. The day`s message was given by Dr. Devaprasath Jeyasekharan through discussion and activity. The students were given a special address on awareness related to gender issues by Ms. Yangchen Doma Bhutia IPS, Dr Jeyasekharan College of Nursing.
The students participated with enthusiasm and take away message was delivered promptly to respect women and consider them as an equal gender just like men. The program ended with vote of thanks by Mrs.Annlin Smila, Assisstant Profesor, Similarly the program was conducted on 30th August for the male students of College of Allied health Sciences.49 boys of B.Sc Operation Theatre technology, Cardiac Technology and Dialysis technology along with 3 faculty participated in the program